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The Foods Cancer Loves

August 13, 2012

The bottom line is that an excess consumption of linoleic acid and arachidonic acid represents the pursuit of cancer because cancer transformation, in part, requires PGE2. And it is well-known that modern man consumes excessive levels of omega-6 fatty acids. In fact over 20 percent of our calories come from omega-6-rich refined oils and obese meat,9 which means the modern diet is really the “PGE2/cancer diet.”

It is also well-known that modern man consumes excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates with high glycemic indexes/loads. Approximately 20 percent of our calories come from sugar and another 20 percent from refined flour.9 Research has demonstrated that cancer cells actually survive on sugar. In fact, “cancer cells are addicted to aerobic glycolysis.”10 The details of the chemistry related to this phenomenon are elegantly described in two excellent papers.10-11

The short story is that mitochondria are the key executors of normal cell turnover. Without normal functioning mitochondria, cell apoptosis is prevented. The cancerous process involves the “silencing” of mitochondria, such that they are unable to push apoptosis and so cancer cells become immortal.11 Cancer cells can only survive on glycolysis, so they require a constant supply of sugar, which is generously supplied by the modern diet. Interestingly, fasting and ketogenic diets appear to have cancer-preventing properties.10

via The Foods Cancer Loves.


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